East Wilkes Middle School

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Alpha & Omega PBIS Celebration

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East Middle School Staff 2024-2025

ROTC caring flags, veterans day service, students singing
Welcome Scorpions 2024-2025 First Day August 26, 2024

It's going to be a great year!

Welcome to East Wilkes Middle School Image

Welcome to East Wilkes Middle School

East Wilkes Middle School first opened in August of 2002. One of four new middle schools built the same year in Wilkes County, we are located among the foothills in the rural community of Ronda, NC. Our school brought together students in grades 6-8 from the C.B. Eller, Ronda-Clingman, and Roaring River Elementary Schools.
Click here to learn more about East Wilkes Middle School

::: Daily Announcements :::

Caring for our Community Food Drive Thumbnail Image

Caring for our Community Food Drive

Welcome parents, teachers and students to the 6th year of the Caring for Our Community food drive. This is the time of year when your Local Marketplace stores team up with Wilkes County schools to raise food for the less fortunate. In this combined effort we will be able to help feed our neighbors in need here in our own community this holiday season. The food drive officially starts from November 1st, 2024, and last until December 31. We will finish the food drive at your school on December 17, so it doesn't interfere with your Christmas holidays. You can still donate food through December 31 at your local Marketplace location

We ask that you bring non-perishable food and place it in the food donation boxes in your schools. Please only bring canned goods and boxed food. In addition, monetary donations will be accepted, each dollar representing 2 pounds of food. Please no glass items. You can bring canned drinks or plastic items such as juices. The food raised will go to the Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission and stay in our local community. There will be prizes awarded to the class in each school that raises the most food. We look forward to another successful meal in the year and want to thank you in advance for everything you do.

"Together we can achieve anything."
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Together We Learn, Lead, Succeed

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