East Wilkes Middle School

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Feel the STING

As a SCORPION, we….







Show Integrity 

-Thank your cafeteria ladies for preparing your meal 

-Clean up all trash from your area before you leave

-Your trash is picked up when you  leave the bus. 

-Thank your bus driver for getting you to school and back home safely

-Help your custodian keep the hallways clean

-Assist others in need (opening their lock, picking up items they have dropped, etc.)

-Keep the restroom clean for those coming in behind you

-Flush the toilet, wash your hands

-Report unsafe behaviors or vandalism to an adult

-Be on time and prepared with all materials

-Chromebooks are only used as a teacher directed tool for learning

-Be an honest and trustworthy student


Think Critically

-Consider the volume level in which you are speaking. Are you being way too loud? 

-Consider all possible consequences for your actions (How could this behavior negatively affect myself and others?)

-Think about how your personal decisions and actions impact others. 

-”Do I need to use the restroom, or am I just wanting an excuse to leave class?” 

-Work collaboratively to find solutions to challenging questions or problems

–Apply thinking that is clear and based on evidence


Interact Respectfully

-Keep your hands to your own tray

-Be respectful of your cafeteria workers and custodians by not throwing food or objects on the floors or across the tables

-Be kind to your driver

-Stay in your seat,  talk quietly, and keep your hands to yourself

-Keep your hands to yourself; no horseplaying 

-Transition quietly through the hallways; be considerate of others trying to learn

-Give others the privacy they deserve

-Teachers and classmates are not disrupted during learning

-Accept constructive feedback in a respectful manner 

-Talk in a respectful manner


Nurture Empathy 

-Consider those who may need a friend to sit with

-Foster encouraging, respectful, and positive conversations with others at your lunch table

-Foster encouraging, respectful, and positive conversations with others on your bus

-Foster belonging and trust through mutual respect and conversations with others

-Demonstrate understanding, concern, and respect for your custodian by keeping the restroom clean. 

-Value and embrace teachers and classmates who share different cultures, perspectives, and opinions

-Show understanding, concern, and respect for teachers and classmates


Maintain a

Growth Mindset

-Utilize lunch as a “working lunch” if there is an assignment you need to complete or a test you need to study for

-Use your time on the bus to study for a test, read a book, or plan your day. 

-Get to your next class in a timely manner and ready to put your best foot forward

-Use restroom quietly and in a timely manner, so that you are not disrupting your learning time

-If at first you don’t succeed, ask questions and keep trying

-Try different strategies

-Understand that mistakes are what help us learn; NEVER GIVE UP!