EWMS Remote Learning Directions
Should a day of Remote Learning be called, your child should choose one activity to complete for each Core subject; in addition, your child should also complete one assignment for each of his/her HPEX classes for the day and one SEL activity. Assignments should be completed on a separate sheet of paper so that they can be turned in to the individual teacher for that subject. Once your child has completed an assignment from the board, he/she should mark through that assignment so that each student is completing different tasks each day of Remote Learning.
In addition to completing the assignments, students should check in with their homebase teacher each day through email, Remind message, OR phone call to the school. The number is 336-651-4300,
Teachers will offer Zoom sessions at 9:00 and 1:00 on each day of Remote Learning. Your child can join a Zoom meeting to ask a specific question and then join a different Zoom meeting with another teacher. Zoom meetings will be open for one hour from 9:00 - 10:00 and from 1:00 - 2:00. Links to Zoom meetings have been posted on your child’s Canvas page for each subject.